location, location, location
Q&A for those who study, teach, research and apply economics and econometrics
DECLARE @myUsers TABLE ( Id int, Reputation int, CreationDate datetime, DisplayName nvarchar(40), LastAccessDate datetime, WebsiteUrl nvarchar(200), Location nvarchar(100), AboutMe nvarchar(max), Views int, UpVotes int, DownVotes int, ProfileImageUrl nvarchar(200), EmailHash varchar(32), AccountId int ) INSERT INTO @myUsers (Id, Reputation, CreationDate, DisplayName, LastAccessDate, WebsiteUrl, Location, AboutMe, Views, UpVotes, DownVotes, ProfileImageUrl, EmailHash, AccountId) SELECT Id, Reputation, CreationDate, DisplayName, LastAccessDate, WebsiteUrl, Location, AboutMe, Views, UpVotes, DownVotes, ProfileImageUrl, EmailHash, AccountId --SELECT * FROM Users u WHERE UPPER(u.location) LIKE UPPER('%' + ##Location:string## + '%') INSERT INTO @myUsers (Id, Reputation, CreationDate, DisplayName, LastAccessDate, WebsiteUrl, Location, AboutMe, Views, UpVotes, DownVotes, ProfileImageUrl, EmailHash, AccountId) SELECT Id, Reputation, CreationDate, DisplayName, LastAccessDate, WebsiteUrl, Location, AboutMe, Views, UpVotes, DownVotes, ProfileImageUrl, EmailHash, AccountId --SELECT * FROM Users u WHERE UPPER(u.AboutMe) LIKE UPPER('%' + ##Location:string## + '%') SELECT * FROM @myUsers --SELECT COUNT(id) --FROM @myComments