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location, location, location


Q&A for those who study, teach, research and apply economics and econometrics

Id int,
Reputation int,
CreationDate datetime,
DisplayName nvarchar(40), 
LastAccessDate datetime, 
WebsiteUrl nvarchar(200),
Location nvarchar(100), 
AboutMe nvarchar(max), 
Views int,
UpVotes int,
DownVotes int,
ProfileImageUrl nvarchar(200),
EmailHash varchar(32),
AccountId int

INSERT INTO @myUsers (Id, Reputation, CreationDate, DisplayName, LastAccessDate, WebsiteUrl, Location, AboutMe, Views, UpVotes, DownVotes, ProfileImageUrl, EmailHash, AccountId)
SELECT Id, Reputation, CreationDate, DisplayName, LastAccessDate, WebsiteUrl, Location, AboutMe, Views, UpVotes, DownVotes, ProfileImageUrl, EmailHash, AccountId
FROM Users u
WHERE UPPER(u.location) LIKE UPPER('%' + ##Location:string## + '%')

INSERT INTO @myUsers (Id, Reputation, CreationDate, DisplayName, LastAccessDate, WebsiteUrl, Location, AboutMe, Views, UpVotes, DownVotes, ProfileImageUrl, EmailHash, AccountId)
SELECT Id, Reputation, CreationDate, DisplayName, LastAccessDate, WebsiteUrl, Location, AboutMe, Views, UpVotes, DownVotes, ProfileImageUrl, EmailHash, AccountId
FROM Users u
WHERE UPPER(u.AboutMe) LIKE UPPER('%' + ##Location:string## + '%')

FROM @myUsers

--FROM @myComments

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