How long between a question is asked, and the answer arrives....
Q&A for those who study, teach, research and apply economics and econometrics
-- measure from the answer time, not the question time. -- this implies certain things, more to follow. declare @history as int = - ##Weeks:int?60## declare @zombie as int = ##Zombie:int?24## ; with QandA as ( select p.Id, p.CreationDate as QDate, min(a.CreationDate) as ADate from Posts p, Posts a where p.Id = a.ParentId and p.PostTypeId = 1 and a.PostTypeId = 2 and a.ClosedDate is null and p.closedDate is null and a.CreationDate >= convert(Date, DateAdd(week, @history, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) group by p.Id, p.CreationDate ), AnswerWorking as ( select DATEADD(DAY, 7 - DATEPART(WEEKDAY, CONVERT(DATE,ADate)), CONVERT(DATE,ADate)) as WeekEnd, convert (Decimal(8,2), DateDiff(minute, QDate, ADate) / Convert(float, 60)) as Delay from QandA ), AnswerDelays as ( select WeekEnd, Delay as QuickDelay, null as ZombieDelay from AnswerWorking where Delay <= @zombie UNION ALL select WeekEnd, null as QuickDelay, Delay / (24 * 7) as ZombieDelay from AnswerWorking where Delay > @zombie ) select WeekEnd as WeekEnd, Convert(Decimal(10,2), Avg(QuickDelay)) as QuickDelayHours, Convert(Decimal(10,2), Stdev(QuickDelay)) as QuickStdDevHours, Convert(Decimal(10,2), Count(QuickDelay)) as QuickCount, Convert(Decimal(10,2), Avg(ZombieDelay)) as ZombieDelayWeeks, Convert(Decimal(10,2), Stdev(ZombieDelay)) as ZombieStdDevWeek, Convert(Decimal(10,2), Count(ZombieDelay)) as ZombieCount from AnswerDelays where WeekEnd < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP group by WeekEnd order by WeekEnd --select count (*) from QandA