Script to identify serial upvoters


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SELECT Users.Id, Users.Reputation, Users.DisplayName, 
       Badges.Date As BadgeDate,
       Posts.Id AS PostId, Posts.CreationDate AS PostDate,
       Votes.VoteTypeId AS VoteId, Votes.CreationDate AS VoteDate
INTO #tmp
FROM Users
     LEFT JOIN Badges ON Users.Id = Badges.UserId
     LEFT JOIN Posts ON Users.Id = Posts.OwnerUserId
     LEFT JOIN Votes ON Posts.Id = Votes.PostId
WHERE Badges.Name='Mortarboard' 
  AND Votes.VoteTypeId=2
  AND CAST(Badges.Date AS DATE)=Votes.CreationDate
  AND CAST(Posts.CreationDate AS DATE)!=Votes.CreationDate;

SELECT * FROM #tmp t1

    SELECT t3.Id
    FROM #tmp t3
    inner join (
      select distinct PostId, min(Id) as Id
      from #tmp 
      group by PostId
    ) t4
    on t3.PostId = t4.PostId 
    and t3.Id = t4.Id
    GROUP BY t3.Id HAVING COUNT(*) > 10
) t2
ON t1.Id = t2.Id

ORDER BY t1.Id DESC, t1.PostId;

--GROUP BY Users.Id HAVING COUNT(*) > 15;

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