This query lists all questions and answers that contain an image without any alt text, or that have the standard placeholder text. If there are multiple images in a post, only the first image is considered.
Q&A for those who study, teach, research and apply economics and econometrics
DECLARE @img_tag_start VARCHAR(10) = '<img src="'; DECLARE @alt_blacklist VARCHAR(80) = '%enter image description here%'; WITH Search AS ( SELECT * , CHARINDEX(@img_tag_start, Body) AS ImgTagStart FROM Posts ), ImgTags AS ( SELECT * , SUBSTRING(Body, ImgTagStart, 1 + CHARINDEX('>', Body, ImgTagStart) - ImgTagStart) AS ImgTag FROM Search WHERE ImgTagStart > 0 ), NoAltImgTags AS ( SELECT * , SUBSTRING(ImgTag, 1 + LEN(@img_tag_start), CHARINDEX('"', ImgTag, 1 + LEN(@img_tag_start)) - LEN(@img_tag_start) - 1) AS ImgUrl FROM ImgTags WHERE ImgTag LIKE @alt_blacklist OR ImgTag NOT LIKE '%alt="%' ) SELECT Id AS [Post Link] , CASE PostTypeId WHEN 1 THEN 'Q' WHEN 2 THEN 'A' END AS Type , Score , ImgUrl AS [Image URL] , ImgTag AS [Image Tag] FROM NoAltImgTags ORDER BY Score DESC, PostTypeId;