Q&A about the site for professional and academic economists and analysts
select q.Id as [Post Link], q.score as [QScore], a.score as [AScore], count (distinct v.Id) as DownVotes, count (distinct beats.Id) as Beaters from Posts q inner join Posts a on q.AcceptedAnswerId = a.id and a.PostTypeId = 2 left outer join votes v on q.Id = v.PostId and v.VoteTypeId = 3 left outer join Posts beats on q.Id = beats.ParentId and beats.Id < q.AcceptedAnswerId where q.PostTypeId = 1 and q.ClosedDate is null and q.AcceptedAnswerId is not null and q.Id = 341192 and q.score >= ##QScore:int## and a.score >= ##AScore:int## group by q.Id, q.score, a.score