Q&A about the site for professional and academic economists and analysts
DECLARE @Question INT = (SELECT Id FROM PostTypes WHERE Name = 'Question'); DECLARE @Answer INT = (SELECT Id FROM PostTypes WHERE Name = 'Answer'); with BadTitles as ( SELECT Id as PostId, OwnerUserId as UserId, Score, CreationDate as PostDate FROM Posts WHERE /* Filter out non-question posts */ Posts.PostTypeId = @Question /* Post not closed yet */ AND Posts.ClosedDate IS NULL /* Generic title */ AND ( Posts.Title LIKE '%please%' OR Posts.Title LIKE '%review%' OR Posts.Title LIKE '%improve%' OR Posts.Title LIKE '%better%' OR Posts.Title LIKE '%how to%' OR Posts.Title LIKE '%how can i%' OR Posts.Title LIKE '%how do i%' ) ) SELECT PostID as [Post Link], Score, PostDate, UserID as [User Link], Reputation FROM BadTitles LEFT OUTER JOIN Users on UserId = Id where IsNull(Reputation, 1) <= 500 ORDER BY /* Lowest scores first - Change to DESC if you want Highest first */ Score ASC, /* Newest first - Change to ASC if you want oldest first */ PostDate DESC