Average reputation per day


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Includes inactive days between account creation and last access, as that information is not public.

English Language Learners

Q&A for speakers of other languages learning English

-- Average reputation per day
-- Includes inactive days between account creation and last access, as that information is not public.

--declare @rep_cutoff int = 1000
create table #rep_cutoff (
  min_rep int
insert into #rep_cutoff values
(1), (2), (50), (100), (1000), (2500), (5000), (7500), (10000), (20000), (40000), (80000), (100000)

  count(*) "Users",
  min_rep "Min Rep",
  avg(reputation) "Avg Rep",
  avg(1 + datediff(day, creationdate, lastaccessdate)) "Avg Days",
  round(avg(reputation / (1.0 + datediff(day, creationdate, lastaccessdate))), 2) "Avg Rep/Day"
from users, #rep_cutoff
where reputation >= min_rep
group by min_rep
order by min_rep

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