Includes inactive days between account creation and last access, as visited days is not public.
Q&A for speakers of other languages learning English
-- Average reputation per account day -- Includes inactive days between account creation and last access, as visited days is not public. create table #rep_cutoff ( min_rep int ) insert into #rep_cutoff values (1), (2), (50), (100), (1000), (2500), (5000), (7500), (10000), (20000), (40000), (80000), (100000) select count(*) "Users", min_rep "Rep Cutoff", round(avg(reputation / (1.0 + datediff(day, creationdate, lastaccessdate))), 2) "Avg Rep/Day" from users, #rep_cutoff where reputation >= min_rep group by min_rep order by min_rep