Estimated old and new reputation (without offered bounties)


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Q&A for professionals and students of engineering

--change of upvote on question from +5 to +10
--based on
--does not take into account:
---- 1. daily reputation cap
---- 2. reputation from suggested edits
---- 3. reputation deduced for downvoting
---- 4. offered bounties
;  with rep_cte as
SELECT p.OwnerUserId AS uid,
     SUM(case v.votetypeid
             WHEN 1 THEN 15  -- accept
             WHEN 2 THEN   -- upvote
               CASE p.posttypeid
                 WHEN 1 THEN 5  -- upvote question
                 WHEN 2 THEN 10  -- upvote answer
             WHEN 3 THEN -2  -- downvote
             WHEN 9 THEN BountyAmount -- collected bounty
       END) as OldRep,
       SUM(case v.votetypeid
             WHEN 1 THEN 15  -- accept
             WHEN 2 THEN 10  -- upvote
---both questions and answers now get +10 from an upvote
             WHEN 3 THEN -2  -- downvote
             WHEN 9 THEN BountyAmount -- collected bounty
       END) as NewRep
FROM Posts p INNER JOIN Votes v ON v.PostId=p.Id
WHERE (p.CommunityOwnedDate IS NULL) --not CW posts
GROUP BY p.OwnerUserId

SELECT TOP(##num?500##)
  r.uid AS [User Link],
---for comparison between the estimate and the real reputation  
  r.OldRep, r.NewRep,
  CAST(r.NewRep-r.OldRep AS int) AS DiffRep
  FROM rep_cte r INNER JOIN Users u ON r.uid=u.Id

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