WITH UserStats AS ( SELECT Users.Id AS UserId, COUNT(Post...


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WITH UserStats AS (
        Users.Id AS UserId,
        COUNT(Posts.Id) AS TotalPosts,
        SUM(Posts.Score) AS TotalPostScore,
        SUM(Posts.ViewCount) AS TotalViews,
        COUNT(PostComments.Id) AS TotalComments
    FROM Posts
    INNER JOIN Users ON Posts.OwnerUserId = Users.Id
    LEFT JOIN Comments AS PostComments ON Posts.Id = PostComments.PostId
    WHERE (
        Posts.Tags LIKE '%elementary-set-theory%'
        OR Posts.Tags LIKE '%real-analysis%'
        OR Posts.Tags LIKE '%calculus%'
        OR Posts.Tags LIKE '%linear-algebra%'
        OR Posts.Tags LIKE '%probability%'
        OR Posts.Tags LIKE '%abstract-algebra%'
        OR Posts.Tags LIKE '%integration%'
        OR Posts.Tags LIKE '%sequences-and-series%'
        OR Posts.Tags LIKE '%combinatorics%'
        OR Posts.Tags LIKE '%general-topology%'
        OR Posts.Tags LIKE '%geometry%'
        OR Posts.Tags LIKE '%number-theory%'
        OR Posts.Tags LIKE '%statistics%'
        OR Posts.Tags LIKE '%graph-theory%'
        OR Posts.Tags LIKE '%algebraic-geometry%'
        OR Posts.Tags LIKE '%differential-geometry%'
        OR Posts.Tags LIKE '%algebraic-topology%'
        OR Posts.Tags LIKE '%functional-analysis%'
        OR Posts.Tags LIKE '%complex-analysis%'
        OR Posts.Tags LIKE '%ring-theory%'
        OR Posts.Tags LIKE '%category-theory%'
        OR Posts.Tags LIKE '%set-theory%'
    GROUP BY Users.Id
FROM UserStats
    ABS(UserStats.TotalPosts - 214.742097) <= 10
    AND ABS(UserStats.TotalPostScore - 910.105657) <= 10
    AND ABS(UserStats.TotalViews - 2346.425125) <= 10
    AND ABS(UserStats.TotalComments - 194.200499) <= 10
ORDER BY UserStats.UserId;

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