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WITH RecentPosts AS ( SELECT p.OwnerUserId, COUNT(*) AS PostCount FROM Posts p WHERE p.CreationDate >= DATEADD(DAY, -30, GETDATE()) AND p.OwnerUserId IS NOT NULL GROUP BY p.OwnerUserId ), RecentComments AS ( SELECT c.UserId, COUNT(*) AS CommentCount FROM Comments c WHERE c.CreationDate >= DATEADD(DAY, -30, GETDATE()) AND c.UserId IS NOT NULL GROUP BY c.UserId ), UserSample AS ( SELECT TOP 200 u.Id, u.DisplayName, u.Reputation, u.Location, u.CreationDate, rp.PostCount, COALESCE(rc.CommentCount, 0) AS CommentCount FROM Users u LEFT JOIN RecentPosts rp ON u.Id = rp.OwnerUserId LEFT JOIN RecentComments rc ON u.Id = rc.UserId WHERE rp.PostCount IS NOT NULL AND u.Location IS NOT NULL -- Ensures users with a Location are included ORDER BY rp.PostCount DESC ) SELECT Id, DisplayName, Reputation, Location, CreationDate, PostCount, CommentCount FROM UserSample;