Total Questions and Answers per Month for the last 12


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Total number of questions and answers for the last 12 months (in 30 day chunks)


Q&A about the site for users and developers of distributed applications built on top of the blockchain operating system, EOS.IO

-- Total Questions and Answers per Month for the last 12
-- Total number of questions and answers for the last 12 months (in 30 day chunks)

set nocount on 

create table #ranges (Id int identity, [start] datetime, [finish] datetime)

insert #ranges
select top 12 null, null
from sysobjects

declare @oldestPost dateTime

select @oldestPost = CreationDate from Posts 
where Id = (select max(p2.Id) from Posts p2)

-- look at 30 day chunks, so stats remain fairly accurate 
-- (month will depend on days per month)

update #ranges 
   [start] = DateAdd(d, (0 - Id) * 30, @oldestPost),
   [finish] = DateAdd(d, (1 - Id) * 30, @oldestPost)

select start, (select count(*) from Posts where ParentId is null 
   and CreationDate between [start] and [finish] ) as [Total Questions],
    (select count(*) from Posts where ParentId is not null 
   and CreationDate between [start] and [finish] ) as [Total Answers]
from #ranges

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