SELECT tgs.TagName as Tag ,CONCAT(YEAR(pst.CreationDate),...


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Esperanto Language

Q&A for teachers and students of the Esperanto language

	tgs.TagName as Tag
    ,CONCAT(YEAR(pst.CreationDate),FORMAT(Month(pst.CreationDate),'00')) as YearMonth
	,usr.DisplayName as "User"
	,COUNT(DISTINCT usr.Id) as NoOfUsers
	,COUNT(DISTINCT pst.Id) as NoOfPosts
FROM Users usr
	Inner Join Posts pst ON pst.OwnerUserID = usr.Id
	Inner Join PostTags psttg ON psttg.PostId = pst.Id
	Inner Join Tags tgs ON tgs.Id = psttg.TagId
	and UPPER(usr.DisplayName) like 'ANDR%'
	and UPPER(tgs.TagName) = 'CSS'
	and pst.CreationDate >= CAST('2019-01-01' AS DATE)
	and pst.CreationDate <  CAST('2020-01-01' AS DATE)
GROUP BY tgs.TagName, CONCAT(YEAR(pst.CreationDate),FORMAT(Month(pst.CreationDate),'00')),usr.DisplayName
ORDER BY YearMonth

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