For looking for questions you've answered that may need a tag added
Q&A about the site for teachers and students of the Esperanto language
-- Questions I have answered that contain some text but excluding questions with a tag -- For looking for questions you've answered that may need a tag added DECLARE @user int = ##user:int## DECLARE @excluded_tag nvarchar(25) = ##excludedtag:string## DECLARE @text nvarchar(25) = ##text:string## SELECT q.Id As [Post Link], a.Score As [Answer Score] FROM Posts q, Posts a WHERE q.Tags NOT LIKE '%<' + @excluded_tag + '>%' AND (q.Body LIKE '%' + @text + '%' OR q.Title LIKE '%' + @text + '%') AND a.ParentId = q.Id AND a.OwnerUserId = @user ORDER BY [Answer Score] DESC