Select all posts (questions and answers) from 'Owner' that have not been voted by 'Voter'
Q&A about the site for teachers and students of the Esperanto language
-- A user's questions not voted by a Voter -- Select all posts (questions and answers) from 'Owner' that have not -- been voted by 'Voter' SELECT Type, Title FROM ( (SELECT Id, 'Question' Type, Title FROM Posts WHERE OwnerUserID=##Owner## AND PostTypeID=1) UNION ALL (SELECT A.Id, 'Answer' Type, Q.Title FROM Posts A INNER JOIN Posts Q ON Q.Id=A.ParentID WHERE A.OwnerUserID=##Owner##) )O LEFT JOIN (SELECT PostId FROM Votes WHERE UserId=##Voter##)V ON V.PostId=O.Id WHERE V.PostId IS NULL