Reputation Inequality


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Illustrates the inequal distribution of reputation by calculating the percentage of reputation held by the top x% of users. All users are considered, even those below the 200 point poverty line. I personally thank the top x% for their contributions!

Esperanto Language Meta

Q&A about the site for teachers and students of the Esperanto language

-- Reputation Inequality
-- Illustrates the inequal distribution of reputation by calculating the percentage of reputation held by the top x% of users.  All users are considered, even those below the 200 point poverty line.  I personally thank the top x% for their contributions!

DECLARE @Percentile int = ##Percentile##

select CAST(CAST(PercentileTotal as float)/CAST(Total as float)*100 as numeric(6,2)) as ReputationHeldByPercentile from (
select sum(Reputation) as Total, 
(select sum (Reputation) from 
(select top (@Percentile) percent Users.Reputation, Users.Id from Users
order by Reputation DESC) x ) as PercentileTotal
from Users) x

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