Q&A for GenAI enthusiasts and practitioners and those interested in learning more about using GenAI tools
-- Enter Query Title -- Enter Query Description with upvoted as ( select posts.Id as PostId from posts inner join votes on posts.Id = votes.PostId where votes.VoteTypeId = 2 -- upvotes and posts.PostTypeId = 2 -- answers group by posts.Id ) select top 1000 * from ( select users.Id as [User Link], count(posts.Id) as [Posts], count(upvoted.PostId) as [Upvoted Posts], count(upvoted.PostId) * 100.0 / count(posts.Id) as [Upvoted %], sum(posts.score) * 1.0 / count(posts.Id) as [Average Score] from users left outer join posts on users.Id = posts.OwnerUserId left outer join upvoted on posts.Id = upvoted.PostId where posts.PostTypeId = 2 group by users.Id ) subq where [Posts] >= 10 and [Upvoted %] - [Average Score] > 90 order by [Upvoted %] - [Average Score] desc, [Average Score] asc;