Test: Location Somewhere


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Genealogy and Family History

Q&A for expert genealogists and people interested in genealogy or family history

-- List of Users in the United Kingdom

    Top ##Top##
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Reputation DESC) AS [#], 
    Id AS [User Link], 

     lower(location) like lower('united kingdom')
     or lower(location) like '% uk'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%england%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%northern ireland%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%n. ireland%'
     or lower(location) like '% ni'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%scotland%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%wales%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%aberdeen%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%aberdeenshire%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%aberystwyth%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%alton%hampshire%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%andover%hampshire%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%bangor%gwynedd%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%bedfordshire%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%belfast%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%berkshire%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%blackburn%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%blackpool%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%bournemouth%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%bristol%cornwall%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%buckinghamshire%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%burnham%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%burnley%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%canterbury%kent%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%cardiff%'
  -- exclusions
     and not
     -- Enter dummy if not required
     lower(location) LIKE '%aberdeen, id%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%aberdeen, sd%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%new england%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%berkshire%ma%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%cardiff-by-the-sea%' --Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA
     or lower(location) LIKE '%aberdeen%' --includes Aberdeenshire
     or lower(location) LIKE '%aberystwyth%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%alton%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%andover%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%bangor%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%bath%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%bedford%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%bedfordshire%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%belfast%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%berkshire%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%birmingham%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%blackburn%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%blackpool%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%bolton%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%bournemouth%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%bradford%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%brentwood%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%brighton%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%bristol%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%buckinghamshire%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%burnley%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%cambridge%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%canterbury%'
     or lower(location) LIKE '%cardiff%'

 order by location asc -- to pick out incorrect results

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