Test: Location Somewhere


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Genealogy and Family History

Q&A for expert genealogists and people interested in genealogy or family history

-- List of users in a given location "somewhere"
-- Not Case Sensitive

    Top ##Top##
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Reputation DESC) AS [#], 
    Id AS [User Link], 
    lower(location) like lower('%somewhere%')
  -- exclusions
     and not
     -- Enter dummy if not required
     lower(location) LIKE lower('%##Exclusion##%')
     or lower(location) = lower('somewhere')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%Somewhere in the US%') -- United States
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%Somewhere in the Mid-Atlantic%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%Somewhere around%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%Somewhere between%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%(somewhere)%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%An airport terminal somewhere%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%Somewhere East of Where You Are%')   
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%Somewhere far beyond...%') 
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%somewhere good%') 
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%Somewhere I Belong%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%Somewhere I guess...%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%Somewhere in 2011%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%Somewhere in Null....%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%Asia%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%America%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%Boston%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%botswana%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%California%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%Canada%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%Chicago%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%computer%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%earth%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%England%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%Estonia%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%europe%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%France%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%georgia%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%Germany%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%Heaven%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%India%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%Internet%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%italy%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%london%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%Lower Saxony%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%Mexico%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%Milky Way%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%Ohio%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%Oregon%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%Paris%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%planet%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%russia%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%somewhere%over the rainbow%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%sol%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%spain%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%space%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%Texas%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%the Pacific%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%Universe%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('% UK%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%USA%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%united states%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%ocean%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%World%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%dummy%')
     or lower(location) LIKE lower('%dummy%')
 order by location asc -- to pick out incorrect results

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