(only users with at least 10 Popular Questions)
Q&A for cartographers, geographers and GIS professionals
-- Users by Popular Question ratio -- (only users with at least 10 Popular Questions) select top 100 Users.Id as [User Link], BadgeCount as [Popular Questions], QuestionCount as [Total Questions], CONVERT(float, BadgeCount)/QuestionCount as [Ratio] from Users inner join ( -- Popular Question badges for each user select UserId, count(Id) as BadgeCount from Badges where Name = 'Popular Question' group by UserId ) as Pop on Users.Id = Pop.UserId inner join ( -- Questions by each user select OwnerUserId, count(Id) as QuestionCount from posts where PostTypeId = 1 group by OwnerUserId ) as Q on Users.Id = Q.OwnerUserId where BadgeCount >= 10 order by [Ratio] desc;