Passive answer reputation per month


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Reputation earned per month from questions at least 10 days old at the time of vote. (Use the graph tab!)

Amateur Radio

Q&A for amateur radio enthusiasts

sum(case when v.VoteTypeId = 2 then 10 else -2 end) as [Votes], 
DATEPART(Year, v.CreationDate) as [Year], 
DATEPART(Month, v.CreationDate) as [Month]
from votes v inner join Posts p on 
WHERE p.OwnerUserId=##UserId## and v.VoteTypeId in (2,3)
and datediff(day, p.CreationDate, v.CreationDate) > 10
group by DATEPART(Year, v.CreationDate), DATEPART(Month, v.CreationDate)
order by [Year] DESC, [Month] DESC

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