Compare evolution of 3 tags overtime


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Comparing 3 tags month over month since March 2016. Note: If you want to have one or two tags, set the same tags for both fields

Hinduism Meta

Q&A about the site for followers of the Hindu religion and those interested in learning more about Hinduism

create table #tags (Date date, TagName nvarchar (35), Count int);

insert into #tags 

DATEADD(Month, DATEDIFF(Month, 0, CreationDate), 0) AS [Month],
count(*) as Count
from Posts p
join PostTags pt on pt.PostId = p.Id
join Tags t on t.Id = pt.TagId 
p.CreationDate > '2016-03-01'
  (t.TagName = ##Tag1:string?angularjs##) or (t.TagName = ##Tag2:string?javascript##) or (t.TagName = ##Tag3:string?wpf##)
group by t.TagName,
         DATEADD(Month, DATEDIFF(Month, 0, CreationDate), 0)
order by [MONTH] desc;

select * from #tags 
where TagName in
select TOP 10 TagName from #tags where Date in (
select TOP 10 Date from #tags order by Date desc
) order by Count desc
order by [Date] asc;

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