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History of Science and Math

Q&A for people interested in the history and origins of science and mathematics

select p.Id,p.CreationDate,u.DisplayName, p.Score, p.Id AS [Post Link], pP.AcceptedAnswerId
from posts p,users u, posts pP where p.PostTypeId=2 
or p.owneruserid=9928809
or p.owneruserid=3156333
or p.owneruserid=9892073
or p.owneruserid=9929015
or p.owneruserid=10347794
or p.owneruserid=10706312
or p.owneruserid=11102471
or p.owneruserid=11101419
or p.owneruserid=11148139
or p.owneruserid=9485673
or p.owneruserid=11300382
or p.owneruserid=11207414
or p.owneruserid=11560878
or p.owneruserid=11602913
or p.owneruserid=7090016
or p.owneruserid=10892354
or p.owneruserid=11714114

and p.owneruserid=u.Id
and p.ParentId=pP.Id
and p.CreationDate >= '2019-09-08'
and p.CreationDate < '2019-09-14'
order by CreationDate asc

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