A query to help look for spam--short, low-score, late answers from users who haven't participated on the site much. Most of these are clearly legit, but some sketchy stuff too.
Q&A about the site for people looking to improve their interpersonal communication skills
-- Seek and Destroy: Spam egg bacon URLs and spam -- A query to help look for spam--short, low-score, late answers from users who haven't participated on the site much. Most of these are clearly legit, but some sketchy stuff too. select a.id as [Post Link], a.score as [Answer Score], a.body as [Answer Text], u.reputation as [Answerer Current Rep], ups.postcount as [Answerer Post Count], q.creationDate as [Question Asked], a.creationdate as [Last Posted] from posts a inner join posts q on a.parentid = q.id inner join users u on a.owneruserid = u.id inner join ( select p.owneruserid, count(p.id) as postcount from posts p group by p.owneruserid ) ups on ups.owneruserid = u.id where datediff(month, q.creationdate, a.creationdate) > 1 -- late answers and len(a.body) < 150 -- that are fairly short and a.score < 2 -- and probably weren't great and u.reputation < 200 -- from low-rep users and u.upvotes + u.downvotes < 20 -- who don't vote much and ups.postcount > 1 -- but posted more than once and replace(replace(replace(replace(a.body -- filter out... , 'http://msdn.microsoft.com/', '') -- MSDN , 'http://code.google.com/', '') -- Google code , 'http://stackoverflow.com/', '') -- internal links , 'http://en.wikipedia.org/', '') -- Wikipedia like '%http://%' -- ... and check for other URLs