SQL find identical group


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-- SQL find identical group
-- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6896739/sql-find-identical-group

declare @a table (id varchar(50), [key] varchar(50), val varchar(50))
insert @a
          select 'bob', 'hair', 'red'
union all select 'bob', 'eyes', 'green'
union all select 'fred', 'hair', 'red'
union all select 'fred', 'eyes', 'green'
union all select 'joe', 'hair', 'green'

declare @b table (id varchar(50), [key] varchar(50), val varchar(50))
insert @b
          select 'bob', 'hair', 'red'
union all select 'bob', 'eyes', 'green'
union all select 'fred', 'hair', 'red'
union all select 'fred', 'eyes', 'green'
union all select 'fred', 'shoe', '42'
union all select 'joe', 'hair', 'red'
union all select 'joe', 'eyes', 'green'
union all select 'greg', 'eyes', 'blue'
union all select 'greg', 'hair', 'brown'

select  IsNull(a.id, b.id)
,       MAX(case when a.id is null or b.id is null then 1 else 0 end) as Differences
from    @a a
full outer join
        @b b
on      a.id = b.id
        and a.[key] = b.[key]
        and a.val = b.val
group by
        IsNull(a.id, b.id)
having  MAX(case when a.id is null or b.id is null then 1 else 0 end) = 0

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