with ranked_score_per_user as (select row_number() over(...


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Iota Meta

Q&A about the site for users of Iota, the open-source cryptocurrency for IoT that does not use a blockchain

--section 8- 8.	Find the posts which were “active” for longer than 100 days
--(a post is “active” in the time period after its creation and before it is being
--closed). For each user who owns at least one post as mentioned above,
--display the posts which received the top 3 scores.

with ranked_score_per_user as (select row_number() over(
 partition by OwnerUserId 
 order by Score desc) as 'post_score_rank',
Id,OwnerUserId,CreationDate,ClosedDate,score from posts
where OwnerUserId in (
 select distinct top (100) OwnerUserId from posts
 where ClosedDate-CreationDate > 100 or ClosedDate is null))
select * from ranked_score_per_user
where post_score_rank <= 3;

--select top (100) row_number() over (order by Id), *,
-- when ClosedDate-CreationDate > 100 then 'Active_post'
-- else 'Non_active_post'
-- end as 'Active/not_active'
--from posts;

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