Q&A about the site for users of Iota, the open-source cryptocurrency for IoT that does not use a blockchain
--SELECT TOP 100 * --FROM Users --WHERE LOWER(Location) LIKE '%latvia%' --SELECT Location, COUNT(Id) loc_count --FROM Users --WHERE LOWER(Location) LIKE '%latvia%' OR Location LIKE '%Riga %' OR Location LIKE '%Rīga %' OR Location LIKE '%Riga,%' --GROUP BY Location --ORDER BY loc_count DESC --WITH valid_users AS --(SELECT --SELECT Users.Id, COUNT(Badges.Id) AS badge_count --FROM Users --INNER JOIN Badges --ON --Users.Id = Badges.UserId --WHERE LOWER(Location) LIKE '%latvia%' OR Location LIKE '%Riga %' OR Location LIKE '%Rīga %' OR Location LIKE '%Riga,%' --GROUP BY Users.Id --HAVING COUNT(Badges.Id) > 100 --ORDER BY COUNT(Badges.Id) DESC; --GROUP BY user_id --HAVING COUNT(badges_id) > 100 --ORDER BY badge_count DESC --SELECT unique_users_editors.*, Body --FROM unique_users_editors --INNER JOIN Recent_posts --ON unique_users_editors.user_id = Recent_posts.Id --WITH t1 AS --(SELECT TOP 100 * --FROM Posts --INNER JOIN PostNotices --ON Posts.Id = PostNotices.PostId --) --SELECT TOP 100 * --FROM PostNotices --WHERE CreationDate BETWEEN '2021-01-01' AND '2021-12-31' --SELECT * --FROM Posts --WHERE OwnerUserId = '1857266' --ORDER BY CreationDate --SELECT DISTINCT Name from Badges --ORDER BY Name SELECT TOP 100 * FROM Posts --ParsedTags AS ( -- SELECT -- Id, -- value AS tag -- FROM -- t1 -- CROSS APPLY -- STRING_SPLIT(Tags, '><') --)