Q&A about the site for users of Iota, the open-source cryptocurrency for IoT that does not use a blockchain
SELECT p.Id AS [ParentPostID], p.Id AS [PostID], CONCAT('site://q/', p.Id, '|', p.Title) AS [PostLinkValid], CONCAT('https://stackoverflow.com/q/', p.Id) AS [PostLink], 'post' AS [PostType], p.Score AS [PostScore], p.ViewCount AS [ViewCount], p.CommentCount, p.AnswerCount, p.CreationDate AS [PostDate], p.Tags AS [PostTags], p.Body AS [PostText], c.Text AS [CommentText], c.Score AS [CommentScore], c.CreationDate AS [CommentDate] FROM Posts p JOIN PostTags pt ON pt.PostId = p.Id JOIN Tags t on pt.TagId = t.Id and t.TagName like '%travis-ci' --t.TagName = 'aws-codepipeline' --t.TagName like '%teamcity%' --t.TagName = 'jenkins' --t.TagName like '%gitlab-ci%' --t.TagName like '%github-actions%' --t.TagName like '%circleci%' --t.TagName = 'azure-devops' --t.TagName in ('bitbucket-pipelines', 'cicd', 'continuous-integration', 'continuous-deployment', 'build-automation', 'devops') LEFT JOIN Comments c ON c.PostID = p.Id WHERE p.CreationDate >= '2023-01-01' UNION ALL SELECT a.ParentId AS [ParentPostID], a.Id AS [PostID], CONCAT('site://a/', a.Id, '|', p.Title) AS [PostLinkValid], CONCAT('https://stackoverflow.com/a/', a.Id) AS [PostLink], 'answer' AS [PostType], a.Score AS [PostScore], a.ViewCount AS [ViewCount], a.CommentCount, a.AnswerCount, a.CreationDate AS [PostDate], p.Tags AS [PostTags], a.Body AS [PostText], c.Text AS [CommentText], c.Score AS [CommentScore], c.CreationDate AS [CommentDate] FROM Posts p JOIN Posts a ON a.ParentId = p.Id JOIN PostTags pt ON pt.PostId = p.Id JOIN Tags t on pt.TagId = t.Id and t.TagName like '%travis-ci' --t.TagName = 'aws-codepipeline' --t.TagName like '%teamcity%' --t.TagName = 'jenkins' --t.TagName like '%gitlab-ci%' --t.TagName like '%github-actions%' --t.TagName like '%circleci%' --t.TagName = 'azure-devops' --t.TagName in ('bitbucket-pipelines', 'cicd', 'continuous-integration', 'continuous-deployment', 'build-automation', 'devops') LEFT JOIN Comments c ON c.PostID = a.Id WHERE p.CreationDate >= '2023-01-01' ORDER BY ParentPostID, PostID, CommentDate;