Number of questions per month (between two dates)


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Internet of Things Meta

Q&A about the site for builders and users of networked sensors and control devices in the contexts of smart homes, industry automation, or environmental sensors

  eomonth(q.CreationDate) AS [Month],
  COUNT(q.Id) AS [Total Count],
  SUM(Case When q.DeletionDate IS NULL Then 1 Else 0 End) AS [# Not Deleted]
FROM PostsWithDeleted q
WHERE (q.CreationDate >= '##Date1?2009-01-01##') AND (q.CreationDate <= '##Date2?2025-01-01##')
  AND (q.PostTypeId=##type?1##)
---PostTypeId=1 means only questions  
GROUP BY eomonth(q.CreationDate)
ORDER BY eomonth(q.CreationDate)

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