-- Count: Number of posts -- TagNames: Tag names: TagName, TagName (split comma) -- PostTypeId: Post type: Question (1), Answer (2) -- VoteTypeId: Vote type: Upvote (2), Downvote (3) select top ##Count:int?100## count(v.PostId) as VoteCount, p.Score, v.PostId as [Post Link], p.CreationDate, p.Tags, p.Body from votes v inner join posts p on p.Id = v.PostId inner join posttags pt on pt.postid = p.id inner join tags t on t.id = pt.tagid cross join string_split(##TagNames:string?CSS,flexBox##, ',') tv where p.PostTypeId = ##PostTypeId:int?1## and v.VoteTypeId = ##VoteTypeId:int?2## and p.CreationDate >= '##CreationDate?2020-01-01##' and upper(t.tagname) = upper(tv.value) group by p.CreationDate, p.Score, v.PostId, p.Body, p.Tags order by p.Score desc