Ranks users with over 5000 reputation points by how many characters they needed to type to achieve that reputation (counts title and body characters)
-- Keystrokes per rep point -- Ranks users with over 5000 reputation points by how many characters they needed to type to achieve that reputation (counts title and body characters) Select Top 100 u.Id As [User Link], (sum(coalesce(datalength(p.Body),0)) + sum(coalesce(datalength(p.Title),0))) As keystrokes, u.Reputation, (sum(coalesce(datalength(p.Body),0)) + sum(coalesce(datalength(p.Title),0)))/u.Reputation As rate From users u, posts p Where p.OwnerUserId = u.Id Group By u.Id, u.Reputation Order By rate Desc