Q&A for those who base their lives on Jewish law and tradition and anyone interested in learning more
with Starts as ( select distinct B.Date from Badges B where B.Name = 'Constituent' and Date >= '10 June 2012' and not exists ( select 1 from Badges C where C.Name = 'Constituent' and Date >= '10 June 2012' and C.Date < B.Date and DateAdd(dd, 30, C.Date) > B.Date ) ), Elections as ( select concat( Cast(count(B.Date) as VarChar), ' ', Cast (DatePart(mm, S.Date) as VarChar), '/', Cast (DatePart(yy, S.Date) as VarChar)) as Election, S.Date as StartDate, DateAdd(dd, 30, S.Date) as EndDate from Starts S inner join Starts B on B.Date <= S.Date group by S.Date ), Buckets as ( select E.Election, DateDiff(hh, E.StartDate, Badges.Date) as Hour, count(*) as Volume from Elections E inner join Badges on Name = 'Constituent' and Badges.Date >= E.StartDate and Badges.Date <= E.EndDate group by E.Election, DateDiff(hh, E.StartDate, Badges.Date) ), Totals as ( select Election, Sum(Volume) as Total from Buckets group by (Election) ), YearPct as ( select B.hour as Hour, Concat(B.Election, ' Percent of ', Cast(T.Total as Varchar)) as Label, Cast (Floor(Sum(P.Volume) * 100.0 / T.Total) as int) as "Value" from Buckets B inner join Totals T on B.Election = T.Election inner join Buckets P on B.Election = P.Election and B.Hour >= P.Hour group by B.Election, B.Hour, T.Total ), YearVolumes as ( select B.hour as Hour, Concat(B.Election, ' Volume') as Label, B.Volume as "Value" from Buckets B ) select * from YearPct union all select * from YearVolumes order by Label, Hour