Q&A for linguists, teachers and students of the Korean language
DECLARE @Subject NVARCHAR(35) = LOWER('sql'); -- specify the subject SELECT TOP 100 Users.Id AS UserId, Users.DisplayName, COUNT(*) AS AcceptedAnswersCount FROM Users INNER JOIN Posts AS Answers ON Users.Id = Answers.OwnerUserId INNER JOIN Posts AS Questions ON Answers.ParentId = Questions.Id INNER JOIN PostTags ON Questions.Id = PostTags.PostId INNER JOIN Tags ON PostTags.TagId = Tags.Id WHERE Tags.TagName = @Subject AND Answers.PostTypeId = 2 -- Answers only AND Answers.Id = Questions.AcceptedAnswerId -- Accepted answers only AND Answers.CreationDate >= DATEADD(year, -1, GETDATE()) -- Within the last year GROUP BY Users.Id, Users.DisplayName ORDER BY AcceptedAnswersCount DESC;