Q&A for linguists, teachers and students of the Korean language
select top 100 sum(isnull(p.viewcount,0)) as reached , rp.owneruserid as [User Link] from posts p inner join ( Select Id, OwnerUserId From Posts Where PostTypeId = 1 and owneruserid is not null Union Select ParentId, OwnerUserId From Posts Where PostTypeId = 2 And Id in (select AcceptedAnswerId from Posts) and owneruserid is not null Union Select ParentId, OwnerUserId From Posts Where PostTypeId = 2 And Score > 5 and owneruserid is not null Union Select a.ParentId, a.OwnerUserId From Posts a Join Posts q On a.ParentId = q.Id Where a.PostTypeId = 2 And a.Score > 0.20 * (select sum(Score) from Posts where ParentId=q.Id) And a.Score > 0 and a.owneruserid is not null Union Select x.ParentId, x.OwnerUserId From (Select a.ParentId , a.OwnerUserId, Rank() Over(Partition By a.ParentId, a.OwnerUserId Order By ta.Score Desc) AnswerRank From Posts a Join Posts ta On ta.ParentId = a.ParentId Where a.PostTypeId = 2 And a.Score > 0 and a.owneruserid is not null ) x Where AnswerRank <= 3) rp on = group by rp.owneruserid order by sum(isnull(p.viewcount,0)) desc