SELECT COUNT(*)-COUNT(AcceptedAnswerId) AS nullAAI, COUNT...


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Korean Language

Q&A for linguists, teachers and students of the Korean language

SELECT COUNT(*)-COUNT(AcceptedAnswerId) AS nullAAI, 
       COUNT(*)-COUNT(ParentId) AS nullPI, 
       COUNT(*)-COUNT(DeletionDate) AS nullDD,
       COUNT(*)-COUNT(ViewCount) AS nullVC,
       COUNT(*)-COUNT(OwnerDisplayName) AS nullODN,
       COUNT(*)-COUNT(LastEditorUserId) AS nullLEUI,
       COUNT(*)-COUNT(LastEditorDisplayName) AS nullLEDN,
       COUNT(*)-COUNT(LastEditDate) AS nullLED,
       COUNT(*)-COUNT(Title) AS nullTitle,
       COUNT(*)-COUNT(Tags) AS nullTags,
       COUNT(*)-COUNT(AnswerCount) AS nullAC,
       COUNT(*)-COUNT(FavoriteCount) AS nullFC,
       COUNT(*)-COUNT(ClosedDate) AS nullCD,
       COUNT(*)-COUNT(CommunityOwnedDate) AS nullCOD,
       COUNT(*)-COUNT(ContentLicense) AS nullCL
  FROM posts
 WHERE YEAR(CreationDate) = 2019;

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