Q&A for linguists, teachers and students of the Korean language
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY p.Score DESC) AS 'ID', p.Title, p.Id, p.AnswerCount, p.Score, p.ViewCount, u.DisplayName, a.Id, au.DisplayName, a.Score, a.CreationDate, p.Tags FROM Posts p JOIN Users u ON p.OwnerUserId = u.Id INNER JOIN PostTags pt ON p.Id=pt.PostId INNER JOIN Tags t ON t.id = pt.TagId JOIN Posts a ON p.Id = a.ParentId JOIN Users au ON a.OwnerUserId = au.Id WHERE t.TagName=##tagName:string?vba## AND YEAR(p.CreationDate) >= 2008 AND YEAR(p.CreationDate) <= 2012 --And p.PostTypeId = 1 --And p.Score <=10 --And p.Score >=0 --And p.AcceptedAnswerId is null ORDER BY p.Score DESC, a.Score DESC, a.CreationDate DESC