Want to archive your contributions in case Stack Exchange goes down? Just enter your SE network account ID below, run the query and download the resulting CSV file. The results include the current body of each post in both Markdown and parsed HTML form, the question title and tags and a bunch of other useful metadata. To assist with CC-By-SA compliance, the results also include the names of all other users who have edited the post or its title (excluding rollbacks). This cross-site query automatically finds all your posts on all sites in the SE network. As such, it can take a while to run. For a quicker single-site version, see https://data.stackexchange.com/meta.stackexchange/query/952859
Q&A for students, teachers, polyglots, and anyone interested in the techniques of second-language acquisition
-- AccountId: Your SE network account ID number, found in the URL of your network profile page: create table #PostsByUser ( PostId int primary key, ParentId int, PostTypeId int ) create table #Results ( [Site] nvarchar(128) not null, [Post ID] int not null, [URL] nvarchar(max), [Link] nvarchar(max), [Type] nvarchar(50), [Title] nvarchar(250), [HTML] nvarchar(max), [Markdown] nvarchar(max), [Tags] nvarchar(250), [Created] datetime, [Last Edit] datetime, [Edited By] nvarchar(max), [Score] int, [Favorites] int, [Views] int, [Answers] int, [Accepted] nvarchar(20), [CW] nvarchar(20), [Closed] nvarchar(20) ) declare @accountid as int = ##AccountId:int## -- Site details, cf. https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/359795/295232 CREATE TABLE #Sites (URL NVARCHAR(100), SiteName NVARCHAR(100), DatabaseName NVARCHAR(50)); -- fetch Markdown for post containing table with site details DECLARE @md NVARCHAR(MAX); SELECT TOP 1 @md = Text FROM [StackExchange.Meta].dbo.PostHistory WHERE PostId = 359796 AND PostHistoryTypeId = 5 ORDER BY CreationDate DESC; -- split Markdown on pipe symbol CREATE TABLE #TableEntries (ID INT IDENTITY(1, 1), Value NVARCHAR(100)); INSERT INTO #TableEntries (Value) SELECT LEFT(TRIM(VALUE), 100) FROM STRING_SPLIT(@md, '|') WHERE LEN(TRIM(REPLACE(REPLACE(VALUE, CHAR(10), ''), CHAR(13), ''))) > 0; -- 'pivot' - we have to discard the introductory text, headers and horizontal lines INSERT INTO #Sites SELECT t0.Value, t1.Value, t2.Value FROM #TableEntries AS t0 INNER JOIN #TableEntries AS t1 ON t0.Id + 1 = t1.Id INNER JOIN #TableEntries AS t2 ON t0.Id + 2 = t2.Id WHERE t0.Id >= 8 -- that's where the real content starts AND t0.Id % 3 = 2; DECLARE sites CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE name NOT IN ('master', 'tempdb', 'model', 'msdb', 'Data.StackExchange') AND name NOT LIKE '%_Temp' -- otherwise it won't work while SEDE refreshes DECLARE @sitedbname AS nvarchar(128) DECLARE @query AS nvarchar(max) OPEN sites FETCH NEXT FROM sites INTO @sitedbname WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @query = ' use [' + @sitedbname + ']; declare @localuserid as int = (select Id from Users where AccountId = ' + cast(@accountid as nvarchar(max)) + '); insert into #PostsByUser select Id as PostId, ParentId, PostTypeId from Posts where OwnerUserId = @localuserid; with PostsByUser as ( select * from #PostsByUser ), LastRevisions as ( select PostsByUser.PostId as PostId, max(PostHistory.Id) as LastRevId from PostsByUser join PostHistory on PostHistory.PostId = PostsByUser.PostId where PostHistory.PostHistoryTypeId in (2,5,8) -- create/edit/rollback body group by PostsByUser.PostId ), Editors as ( select PostHistory.PostId as PostId, PostHistory.UserId as UserId, coalesce(Users.DisplayName, PostHistory.UserDisplayName) as UserName, min(PostHistory.CreationDate) as FirstEditDate from PostsByUser join PostHistory on PostHistory.PostId = PostsByUser.PostId left join Users on Users.Id = PostHistory.UserId where PostHistory.PostHistoryTypeId in (4,5) -- edit body/title and (PostHistory.UserId != @localuserid or PostHistory.UserId is null) group by PostHistory.PostId, PostHistory.UserId, coalesce(Users.DisplayName, PostHistory.UserDisplayName) ), EditorsGrouped as ( select PostId, string_agg(UserName + '' ('' + coalesce(cast(UserId as nvarchar), ''n/a'') + '')'', '', '') within group ( order by FirstEditDate asc ) as EditorNames from Editors group by PostId ), WikiTags as ( select PostId, TagName from PostsByUser join Tags on PostId = ExcerptPostId where PostTypeId = 4 -- tag excerpt union select PostId, TagName from PostsByUser join Tags on PostId = WikiPostId where PostTypeId = 5 -- tag wiki ), Dupes as ( select distinct PostsByUser.PostId from PostsByUser join PostLinks on PostLinks.PostId = PostsByUser.PostId where PostTypeId = 1 and LinkTypeId = 3 -- question, duplicate ) insert into #Results select #Sites.SiteName as [Site], Posts.Id as [Post Id], concat(#Sites.URL, ''/q/'', Posts.Id) as [URL], concat(#Sites.URL, ''/q/'', Posts.Id, ''|'', coalesce(Posts.Title, Parent.Title)) as [Link], PostTypes.Name as [Type], coalesce(Posts.Title, Parent.Title) as [Title], Posts.Body as [HTML], PostHistory.Text as [Markdown], coalesce(WikiTags.TagName, Posts.Tags, Parent.Tags) as [Tags], Posts.CreationDate as [Created], Posts.LastEditDate as [Last Edit], EditorNames as [Edited By], Posts.Score as [Score], Posts.FavoriteCount as [Favorites], coalesce(Posts.ViewCount, Parent.ViewCount) as [Views], Posts.AnswerCount as [Answers], iif(Posts.AcceptedAnswerId is not null or Posts.Id = Parent.AcceptedAnswerId, ''Accepted'', '''') as [Accepted], iif(Posts.CommunityOwnedDate is not null, ''CW'', '''') as [CW], iif(Posts.ClosedDate is not null, iif(Dupes.PostId is not null, ''Duplicate'', ''Closed''), '''') as [Closed] from PostsByUser join Posts on Posts.Id = PostsByUser.PostId left join PostTypes on PostTypes.Id = PostsByUser.PostTypeId left join Posts as Parent on Parent.Id = PostsByUser.ParentId left join LastRevisions on LastRevisions.PostId = PostsByUser.PostId left join PostHistory on PostHistory.Id = LastRevisions.LastRevId left join EditorsGrouped on EditorsGrouped.PostId = PostsByUser.PostId left join WikiTags on WikiTags.PostId = PostsByUser.PostId left join Dupes on Dupes.PostId = PostsByUser.PostId join #Sites on ''' + @sitedbname + ''' = #Sites.DatabaseName; delete from #PostsByUser; ' execute(@query) FETCH NEXT FROM sites INTO @sitedbname END CLOSE sites DEALLOCATE sites select * from #Results