Show all badge holders for a given tag and location
Q&A for students, teachers, polyglots, and anyone interested in the techniques of second-language acquisition
-- Search users by tag badge and location -- Show all badge holders for a given tag and location create table #BadgeTiers ( Badge text, Tier int ) insert into #BadgeTiers (Badge, Tier) select 'Gold', 3 union all select 'Silver', 2 union all select 'Bronze', 1; with People as ( select Users.Id, count(*) as Tier from Users inner join Badges on Badges.UserId = Users.Id where Name like '##Tag##' and Location like '%##Location##%' group by Users.Id ) select People.Id as [User Link], Badge, Location from People inner join Users on Users.Id = People.Id inner join #BadgeTiers on #BadgeTiers.Tier = People.Tier order by People.Tier desc