Q&A for students, teachers, polyglots, and anyone interested in the techniques of second-language acquisition
DECLARE @max_results int = ##MaxNumberOfResults:int?100## DECLARE @min_qualifying_answers int = ##MinimumQualifyingAnswers:int?2## DECLARE @userId int = ##UserId:int?0## SELECT TOP (@max_results) a.OwnerUserId AS [User Link], COUNT(*) AS [Count], (CASE WHEN COUNT(*) >= 500 THEN N'★★★' WHEN COUNT(*) >= 50 THEN N'★★' WHEN COUNT(*) >= 1 THEN N'★' ELSE N'' END) AS [Badge] FROM Posts AS a LEFT OUTER JOIN Posts AS q ON a.ParentId = q.Id WHERE q.PostTypeId = 1 AND q.ClosedDate IS NULL AND a.PostTypeId = 2 AND a.Score >= 1 AND ISNULL(q.OwnerUserId, -1) <> a.OwnerUserId AND EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM PostHistory AS ph WHERE ph.PostHistoryTypeId IN (4, 5) AND ph.PostId = a.ParentId AND ph.UserId = a.OwnerUserId AND ABS(DATEDIFF(HOUR, ph.CreationDate, a.CreationDate)) < 12 ) GROUP BY a.OwnerUserId HAVING (a.OwnerUserId = @userID or @userID=0) and COUNT(*) >= @min_qualifying_answers ORDER BY [Count] DESC