Spoil Sports - Top 100 Users that DownVote way more often than they UpVote


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(in theory this would include only users with 100 rep or more, but the stats seem to indicate there are some exceptions to that rule) To use: Set Thresholds: Max UpVote (e.g. 300) Min DownVote (e.g. 50)

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-- Spoil Sports - Top 100 Users that DownVote way more often than they UpVote
-- (in theory this would include only users with 100 rep or more, but the stats seem to indicate there are some exceptions to that rule)
-- To use:
-- Set Thresholds:
--   Max UpVote (e.g. 300)
--   Min DownVote (e.g. 50)

SELECT top 100
       Id AS [User Link],
       CASE WHEN (UpVotes / DownVotes) = 0 THEN 'Spoil Sport' ELSE 'Normal' END As [User Type],
       ROUND((100.0 * DownVotes) / UpVotes, 2) AS [Ratio %],
       DownVotes [- Votes],
       UpVotes As [+ Votes],
       Reputation AS Rep,
FROM   Users
       UpVotes <= ##MaxUpVotes##
       DownVotes >= ##MinDownVotes##

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