How unsung are you?


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Count your zero score accepted answers and total accepted answers. Note that some other similar queries don't exclude answers to your own questions. I'm pretty sure the badge excludes them.

Language Learning

Q&A for students, teachers, polyglots, and anyone interested in the techniques of second-language acquisition

-- How unsung are you?
-- Count your zero score accepted answers and total accepted answers.
-- Note that some other similar queries don't exclude answers to your own 
-- questions. I'm pretty sure the badge excludes them.

select count(*) as [Total Answers],  
       sum(case when a.Score = 0 then 1 else 0 end) as [Zero Score Answers],
       sum(case when a.Score = 0 then 1 else 0 end) * 100.0 / 
       count(*) as [Percent Zeros]
from Posts q
join Posts a on a.Id = q.AcceptedAnswerId 
where a.OwnerUserId = ##UserId##
 and a.CommunityOwnedDate is null 
 and (a.OwnerUserId <> q.OwnerUserId or q.OwnerUserId is null)

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