Questions where your answer has at least twice the score of the accepted answer which in turn must have a score of 9 or higher
Q&A for students, teachers, polyglots, and anyone interested in the techniques of second-language acquisition
select Question.Id as [Post Link], AcceptedAnswer.Score as [Accepted Score], YourAnswer.Score as [Your Score], CONVERT(DECIMAL(4,2), CAST(YourAnswer.Score as float) / AcceptedAnswer.score) as ScoreRatio, CASE when AcceptedAnswer.Score >= 9 then 0 else 9-AcceptedAnswer.Score END + CASE when YourAnswer.Score >= AcceptedAnswer.Score*2 then 0 else (AcceptedAnswer.Score*2 - YourAnswer.Score) END as VotesNeeded from Posts Question, Posts AcceptedAnswer, Posts YourAnswer, Users AcceptedUser where YourAnswer.OwnerUserId = ##UserId## and YourAnswer.ParentId = Question.Id and Question.AcceptedAnswerId = AcceptedAnswer.Id and AcceptedAnswer.OwnerUserId = AcceptedUser.Id and AcceptedAnswer.Id != ##UserId## and YourAnswer.Score > AcceptedAnswer.Score and AcceptedAnswer.Score > 0 order by CAST(YourAnswer.Score as float) / AcceptedAnswer.score DESC