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Language Learning

Q&A for students, teachers, polyglots, and anyone interested in the techniques of second-language acquisition

-- At what hour do I ask most posts, both questions and answers?
-- UTC (GMT) time zone.
-- Parameters:
--   UserId
--   HourOrDOW (1 - hours, 2 - day of week)

DECLARE @UserId int = ##UserId##;

-- ##HourOrDOW:string##

-- CASE ##HourOrDOW## WHEN 1 THEN "hour" WHEN 2 THEN "weekday" ELSE "hour" END
IF ##HourOrDOW:int## = 1
    DATEPART("hour", CreationDate) AS [Hour you add a post],
    COUNT(*) AS [Number of your posts per hour]
  FROM Posts
  WHERE OwnerUserId = @UserId
  GROUP BY DATEPART("hour", CreationDate)
    DATEPART("weekday", CreationDate) AS [Weekday you add a post],
    COUNT(*) AS [Number of your posts per weekday]
  FROM Posts
  WHERE OwnerUserId = @UserId
  GROUP BY DATEPART("weekday", CreationDate)

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