This query will find most posts that contain at least one image that isn't hosted either on or Note that some images have legitimate reasons for being hosted off-site - maybe they're SVGs (not supported by imgur), or are larger than the imgur upload size limits (4 MB non-gif; 2 MB gif). Also, the [Snippet] column may list an imgur URL; this is because it just lists the URL of the first image it finds. There may still be non-imgur images elsewhere in the post.
Q&A for linguists, teachers, and students wanting to discuss the finer points of the Latin language
SELECT b.Score, b.Id AS [Post Link], b.CreationDate, SUBSTRING(b.Body, CHARINDEX('<img', b.Body) + 10, -- LEN('<img src="') CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('" alt', b.Body, CHARINDEX('<img', b.Body)) - CHARINDEX('<img', b.Body) - 10 >= 0 THEN CHARINDEX('" alt', b.Body, CHARINDEX('<img', b.Body)) - CHARINDEX('<img', b.Body) - 10 ELSE 0 END ) AS [Snippet], (LEN(b.Body) - LEN(REPLACE(b.Body, '<img', '')))/4 AS [NumImages], CASE WHEN b.CommunityOwnedDate IS NOT NULL THEN 'Yes' ELSE '' END AS [IsCW?] FROM Posts b WHERE b.Body LIKE '%<img src="http://[^i]%' OR b.Body LIKE '%<img src="http://i[^.]%' OR b.Body LIKE '%<img src="http://i.[^is]%' ORDER BY b.CreationDate DESC