Returns the fraction of each user's answers that have negative score, as well as a link to the answer-score distribution for each user. It includes a threshold by user reputation, total number of answers by the user, as well as the possibility (by re-setting ScoreThreshold) to get the percentage of answers below a user-set threshold.
Q&A for linguists, teachers, and students wanting to discuss the finer points of the Latin language
--site name as per query 516017 for SEDE URLs DECLARE @siteinit VARCHAR(100), @site VARCHAR(100) SET @siteinit=REPLACE(LOWER( (SELECT DB_NAME() AS [Current Database]) ),'StackExchange.','') SET @site = REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE( --REPLACE( CASE WHEN @siteinit NOT LIKE '%.Meta' THEN @siteinit ELSE 'meta.'+REPLACE(@siteinit,'.Meta','') END ,'audio','avp') ,'','') ,'stackoverflow.','') --,'meta.','')+'me' -- Some meta sites require this SELECT Users.Id AS [User Link], Users.Reputation AS Reputation, COUNT(*) AS 'No. answers', SUM(CASE WHEN Posts.Score<##ScoreThreshold?0## THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'No. neg.', CAST(100* CAST( SUM(CASE WHEN Posts.Score<##ScoreThreshold?0## THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FLOAT) /CAST( COUNT(*) AS FLOAT) AS NUMERIC(36,2)) AS '% negative score', ''+@site+'/query/393837?UserId='+CAST(Users.Id AS varchar)+'#graph|Link' AS 'Answer score distribution' FROM Posts INNER JOIN Users ON Posts.OwnerUserId=Users.Id WHERE PostTypeId=2 --answers AND Users.Reputation >=##ReputationThreshold?1000## GROUP BY Users.Id, Users.Reputation HAVING COUNT(*)>##NoAnswersThreshold?10## ORDER BY '% negative score' DESC -- ScoreThreshold: Count questions below score: -- ReputationThreshold: Minimum user reputation: -- NoAnswersThreshold: Minimum number of answers by user: