Q&A for linguists, teachers, and students wanting to discuss the finer points of the Latin language
DECLARE @Players TABLE ( ID INT PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY, Name VARCHAR(50) ) DECLARE @Matches TABLE ( ID INT PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY, WinnerId INT, LoserId INT ) DECLARE @Comments TABLE ( ID INT PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY, MatchId INT, Comment VARCHAR(MAX) ) INSERT INTO @Players VALUES ('Alex') INSERT INTO @Players VALUES ('Bob') INSERT INTO @Players VALUES ('Chris') INSERT INTO @Players VALUES ('Dave') INSERT INTO @Matches VALUES (1,2) INSERT INTO @Matches VALUES (4,2) INSERT INTO @Matches VALUES (3,1) INSERT INTO @Comments VALUES (2,'That was a close one.') INSERT INTO @Comments VALUES (3,'I did not expect that outcome.') SELECT * FROM @Players SELECT * FROM @Matches SELECT * FROM @Comments