Tags that I am in the Top 5 answeres


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Latin Language

Q&A for linguists, teachers, and students wanting to discuss the finer points of the Latin language

;with top_answerers as (
select a.owneruserid
     , t.tagname 
     , sum(a.score) [tag score]
     , rank() over(partition by t.tagname order by sum(a.score) desc ) as pos
from posts a
inner join posts q on q.id = a.parentid
inner join posttags pt on pt.postid = q.id
inner join tags t on t.id = pt.tagid
where a.posttypeid = 2 -- answer
and q.posttypeid = 1 -- Question
group by a.owneruserid
       , t.tagname
having sum(a.score) > 10 

select tagname
     , pos
     , owneruserid as [User Link]
      , [tag score]
from top_answerers
where owneruserid = ##userid?7031230##
-- tagname = 'ssis-2012'
and pos <7

select *
from tagsynonyms
where sourcetagname like'%ssis%'
or targettagname like'%ssis%'

select *
from tags
where tagname like '%ssis%'

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