SELECT COUNT(resultQuestion.Id) From Posts resultQuestion Where (YEAR(resultQuestion.CreationDate) B


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SELECT resultQuestion.Id,resultQuestion.Title,resultQuestion.ViewCount,resultQuestion.Score  From Posts resultQuestion Where (YEAR(resultQuestion.CreationDate) BETWEEN 2021 AND 2022)  AND (resultQuestion.Title LIKE '%exception%' OR resultQuestion.Body LIKE '%exception%') AND (resultQuestion.Tags LIKE '%rsa%' OR resultQuestion.Tags LIKE '%aes%' OR resultQuestion.Tags LIKE '%encryption%' OR resultQuestion.Tags LIKE '%eliptic-curve%' OR resultQuestion.Tags LIKE '%pulic-key-encryption%' OR resultQuestion.Tags LIKE '%private-key%' OR resultQuestion.Tags LIKE '%encryption-asymmetric%' OR resultQuestion.Tags LIKE '%aes-gcm%' OR resultQuestion.Tags LIKE '%rsacryptoserviceprovider%' OR resultQuestion.Tags LIKE '%des%' OR resultQuestion.Tags LIKE '%pulic-key%' OR resultQuestion.Tags LIKE '%encryption-symmetric%'  OR resultQuestion.Tags LIKE '%encoding' OR resultQuestion.Tags LIKE '%key%' OR resultQuestion.Tags LIKE '%pkcs#7%'  OR resultQuestion.Tags LIKE '%keystore%' OR resultQuestion.Tags LIKE '%3des%' OR resultQuestion.Tags LIKE '%cbc-mode%' OR resultQuestion.Tags LIKE '%amazon-kms%' OR resultQuestion.Tags LIKE '%openpgp%' OR resultQuestion.Tags LIKE '%secret-key%')  AND resultQuestion.Tags LIKE '%crypto%' AND resultQuestion.PostTypeId = 1

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