Q&A for people looking to bypass life's everyday problems with simple tricks
SELECT TOP 50000 P.Id AS PostId, P.Title, P.Body, P.Tags, P.ViewCount, P.CommentCount, P.AnswerCount, P.Score, P.CreationDate FROM Posts P WHERE (P.PostTypeId = 1) -- Questions AND (P.CreationDate BETWEEN '2015-08-01' AND '2015-08-31') -- Janvier 2022 AND (P.ViewCount IS NOT NULL) -- Nombreuses vues AND (P.CommentCount > 5) -- Nombreux commentaires AND (P.Score > 5) -- Bon score AND (P.AnswerCount > 0) -- Au moins une réponse AND (LEN(Tags) - LEN(REPLACE(Tags, '<','')) >= 5) -- Au moins 5 tags ORDER BY P.ViewCount DESC;