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-- My answser scores in the top 40 tags DECLARE @UserId int = ##UserId## SELECT t4.TagName, topscores.ScoreSum FROM Tags t4 JOIN ( SELECT TOP 40 pt3.TagId, scores.ScoreSum FROM PostTags pt3 LEFT JOIN ( SELECT SUM(p2.Score) AS ScoreSum, pt.TagId AS TagId FROM Posts p JOIN PostTags pt ON pt.PostId = p.Id JOIN Posts p2 ON p2.ParentId = p.Id WHERE p2.OwnerUserId = @UserId GROUP BY pt.TagId ) AS scores ON scores.TagId = pt3.TagId GROUP BY pt3.TagId, scores.ScoreSum ORDER BY COUNT(pt3.TagId) DESC ) AS topscores ON topscores.TagId = t4.Id ORDER BY topscores.ScoreSum DESC